SAVORING: Finding Pleasure In Endings

HOW TO PRACTICE SAVORING: A 5-Step Recipe for Enjoyment.

Modern humans are tempted to move so quickly through the end.  

We act like if ‘the end’ touches us, it will be proof of something too horrible to deal with. In the midst of life, death.  At the same time, we’re obsessed with an end. We want what we think it will give us. What spectacular tension!!  

The key to unlocking the aliveness, ‘the cream filling’ is hidden within the tension.

We could call it,  Eros.  And we can call you, The Creative Herotic. You... standing right where you are, at the end of everything, in the glad act of SAVORING.

Would you like to play a bold hide-and-seek game, and dare to SAVOR an ending?  


  1. Do Something (it could be something as mundane as making the bed)
  2. Don't do anything else before completing the next 4 steps
  3. Complete the Something: when you complete something, something as mundane as making the bed, STOP. Stop long enough that the drive to start all over again dries up (at least for a moment)
  4. FEEL the tones of tender endings. What sensations, images, and smells, are here? On other words, when in doubt, don't numb out. Practice yielding to your sense perceptions. NOTE: You don't have to go full 'water hose,' you can see how it feels to turn gently towards the edgie, middle stuff.
  5. Acknowledge that you've done something. Pat yourself on the back (literally), cross off a box on a to-do list or text your accountability buddy. Do this however you like, but do it!

The prompt to ‘die before you die’ commonly attributed to Sufi poet, Rumi is fitting here. It’s not a death wish or death sentence, it’s a call to inhabit the moment fully. It’s an invitation to be fully here in the rot, the compost, the sparkle motion. It's also an invitation to relax all the boners of the past into the soft ground, the wide dearth of the present.